I had a follow up doc appt. in Houston in May. So, we made a bit of a weekend out of it. First, we got to see Miss A. This sweet girl (now woman) was in a Bible Study that I got to lead when we lived in The Woodlands. I got to hang out with a bunch of really cool high school girls and talk about Jesus! Now, they are college graduates. I am getting too old!
We met at Starbucks and got to hang out and catch up for a little bit.

Then, I remembered that my favorite hair stylist was in College Station. I was in desperate need of a haircut. So, I looked in my phone and, sure enough, eight years later her number was still saved. She was so sweet and worked me in that evening to trim the mullet that I seem to get every few weeks and all of this scraggly stuff I never had to deal with when my hair was long.
See if you can tell a difference in the two pics. The one above was before, the ones below are after!! I can't tell much of a difference and that's what I like. I want my hair to grow back out and so I don't want the trims to be major hair cuts, just clean ups so that it can keep growing!!!

We met back up with Miss A, and her friend T, for a little Fightin' Texas Aggie Baseball.
I got to see all of my old co-horts from the days when I worked at the Athletic Dpmt.
It was fun to see everyone.

Here we are: B, T, A, & me.

This is the family we stayed with while we were in Aggieland.
They are longtime friends of B's family.
We had a wonderful time.
They were so sweet to let us stay at their house.

On the way to my doc appt., we got to stop in and see A and her three kiddos.
Such beautiful princesses and Mr. J, "riding in to save the day."
We had fun saying hi to them. We miss them so much.

Not much to report on the doc visit. He wanted to know how the diet is going. I've been able to reduce my meds, but still having about the same # of seizures that I was having on incredibly high doses of the meds. In a way, that is good. I would rather be on less medication. So, we believe this means the diet is working. Just a bit slower than what we wanted. The doc wanted us to go ahead and consider other surgical options and other meds incase the diet doesn't work. We really want to give this diet more of a chance.
He also admitted to us that he hasn't had a lot of experience with this diet, he just felt it would be one of the best options for me and had seen some success with some of his patients. We were glad that he talked us into the diet. When I was first diagnosed, I ask my first neuro if we could try the diet. He said, "only if you want to drink vegetable oil for the rest of your life." So, when my current doc brought the diet up, I told him I didn't want to drink vegetable oil for the rest of my life. He told me that wasn't the case and convinced us to try it.
Though it has been a difficult road figuring out what I am able to eat and how to balance the day, I much prefer the seizures being controlled by food rather than medicine. They also say that after a couple of years on the diet, you are able to stop all meds and eventually stop the diet. This is what we want. I don't want to depend on dangerous meds for the rest of my life.
So, my doc agreed to let me keep going with the diet a bit longer to see what results we have as we progress. Please pray that we start to see major changes.
M, who was in our wedding, wasn't due for a few more weeks. However, we got a call that her sweet little one had arrived early. She is a Neurosurgery PA in the same hospital where I had my surgery. So, as soon as my doc appt. was over we got to go see her & love on her little girl, Miss C. She was in the NICU, but is now home doing well!

Sock Monkey had to go on the trip with us! Just hangin' around...

On the way home, we stopped in The Woodlands to see our first home purchase.
Lots of memories in this house (if you'd believe it, I recall many things in this house, despite all the memory loss).

Of course, we had to stop at Sam's on our way home and say Howdy to our sweet friends!