The month of July was truly going great, I was only averaging around 2 seizures per day which was a decrease from the month of June and an even greater decrease from the month of May. For whatever reason, the seizures went crazy on Wednesday. I had 55 seizures for the entire month of July through Tuesday evening. The last three days of the month (Wed-Fri), I had 23 more seizures for a total of 78 for the month. So, clearly a big jump and it just wears me out...Praise the Lord for an amazing hubby that comes home from a long day of work and recognizes I don't feel well and starts making dinner, no questions asked. He is unbelievable and such a gift from the Lord.
We're just so ready for these to be over...Again, thank you for your prayers and keep begging the Lord for these to go away completely!
Here's a random pic to break up the monotony!!
Thank you sweet prayer warriors!!!
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