Anyway, I had seven on Wednesday and again on Thursday. So, let's pray today I have fewer. I made it through the night without any....that is great!!!
We had pics taken a few weeks ago with a friend that is going to"photo-journal" this next year for us. We will take pics once a quarter. I still struggle with looking at myself and admitting it's me. It just doesn't look like me, to me...I look silly in some of the pics, but B looks perfect in every single one of them. B found an old house, barn, etc., and that's where we took the pics.
You can check them out at
Click on Portraits
and the password is fox
Directly under the pic is the picture'll have to let us know your favorites as we need to place the order within the next week.
This is my favorite, though.

****Also, B's Nana is going in for a procedure on Monday. Please be in prayer for her. They are looking at her carotid artery, I believe. It is pretty occluded and she has been having a few fainting spells and been pretty light headed. So, they are going in to check it out and possibly put a stint in, if necessary. Pray, pray, pray!!!****
Oh yeah, B woke up this morning with pink eye. So, he's on his way to the doc right now to get it checked out and treated. Pray that he can heal quickly. Poor guy needs to be able to get to work. I kept him from working too much last year. Then, he had that yucky virus last week that knocked him out pretty good and he hasn't stopped coughing since, he needs some super healing...